Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
D1. Cebesoy, O., T. Erzincan ve B. Karslı, “İs only the classical etiology responsible from the dislocation Following The Hip Arhroplasty” Gaziantep. Tıp. Dergisi., 15,52-56 (2009).
D2. Subaşı, M., O. Cebesoy, M. Işık ve A. Gerçekcioğlu, “Geriatrik Hastalarda ayak bileği kırıklarına genel yaklaşım” Türkiye Klinikleri. J Orthop&Traumatol-Special Topics 1,27-31 (2008).
D3. Subaşı, M., O. Cebesoy, M. Işık ve A. Gerçekcioğlu, “Çocukluk Çağı Pelvis Kırıkları” Totbıd. Dergisi., 7,116-120 (2008)
D4. Köse, K.C., O. Cebesoy, V. Ergan, B. Akan, “Orta Yaş Populasyonda Hareketli taşıyıcı( Mobile-Bearing) Total Diz Artroplastisi Olgularının kısa-orta Dönem Klinik Sonuçları” Düzce. Tıp. Fak. Dergisi., 1,31-37 (2007).
D5. Cebesoy, O., B. Erdemli, K.C. Köse, B. Güzel ve İ. Cetin, “[Midterm results of totalhip replacement in osteonecrosis of the hip joint]” Acta Orthop. Traumatol. Turc., 40,301-306 (2006).
D6. Cebesoy, O., K.Ç.Köse, E.T. Baltacı, “AO tip A Humerus Şaft Kırıklarında Konservatif Tedavi Sonuçlarımız” Kocatepe. Tıp. Dergisi. 6,33-36 (2005).
D7. Bilgin, S.S., O. Cebesoy, I.H. Güleç ve A. Pişkin, “[Difficulties in the diagnosis of isolated radial artery injuries: a case report]” Acta Orthop. Traumatol. Turc., 39,270-273 (2005).
D8. Yazar, T., O. Cebesoy, C. Soydan ve Ç. Köse “Acute Burst Fracture of the Low Lumbar Vertebra Managed By Anterior Surgery” Journal of Ankara. Medical. School., 26, 41-45 (2004).
Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler
A1. Cebesoy O, Baylar U. Is percutaneous cement augmentation sufficient for all kinds of vertebral osteoporotic fractures? Int Orthop. 2014;38(12):2649.
A2. Cebesoy O, Isik M, Erzincan T, Pamukcu U, Bilgin F, Subasi M. Analysis of the effects of heparin and enoxaparin on degloving injuries. Bratisl Lek Listy.2014;115(9):550-3.
A3. Cebesoy O, Isik M, Subasi M, Kaya A, Bilgin F, Kaya O. Total hip replacement for an ochronotic patient: A technical trick. Am J Case Rep. 2014;15:27-30.
A4. Isik M, Subasi M, Cebesoy O, Uludag A. Isolated sacral dislocation in a4-year-old child. BMJ Case Rep. 2013,21;2013.
A5. Isik M, Subasi M, Cebesoy O, Koca I, Pamukcu U. Traumatic shoulderfracture-dislocation in a 7-year-old child: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2013;20;7:156.
A6. M.Işık, O.Cebesoy, M.Subaşı, B.Karslı, D.Topak, F.Bilgin, “The Comparison Of Electrocautery And Curettage Of The Nailbed For The Treatment Of Ingrown Toenail”, Eastern j med 2014;19:126-129.
A7. M.Işık, O.Cebesoy, M.Subaşı, E.Tutar, Y.Baltacı, “Analysing the effect of Fondaparinux on fracture healing in a stabilized rat tibia fracture model”, Minerva Ortopedica E Trauma 2012;63:193-199.
A8. Cebesoy O, Akan B. Is balloon osteoplasty attractive or questionable treatment for Hill-Sachs lesion? Int Orthop. 2012;36(12):2597.
A9. Cebesoy O, Isik M, Subasi M, Karsli B, Pamukcu U. Extra-articular Tenosynovial Chondromatosis Mimicking a Neoplastic Disease in the First Web Space of the Hand. Oman Med J. 2012;27(4):316-8.
A10. Cebesoy O, Subasi M, Isik M. Cerclage cable in fracture: frustration ornecessity? Int Orthop. 2011;35(5):783-4.
A11. Koruk S, Mizrak A, Kaya R, Ugur B, Cebesoy O, Celik A, Oner U. The effects of dexmedetomidine on ischemia reperfusion injury in patients undergoing arthroscopy under spinal anesthesia. Eurasian J Med. 2010 Dec;42(3):137-41.
A12. Cebesoy, O., A.Mete and B.Karsli, “Complete lumbar spine duplication in a neurologically intact man” J. Spinal. Cord. Med., 32, 99-102 (2009).
A13. Cebesoy, F.B., O. Cebesoy and A. Incebiyik, “Bilateral femur fracture in a newborn: an extreme complication of cesarean delivery” Arch. Gynecol. Obstet., 279,73-74 (2009).
A14. Cocelli L.P., G. Karakurum, O. Cebesoy, H. Karadaşlı and U.Oner, “Clinical Comparison of Effectiveness of Epidural Triamcinolone and Betamethasone in Discal Radiculalgia: A Prospective, Randomized Study” J. Musculoskeletal Pain.,
17,281-286 (2009).
A15. Basarir, K., Y. Saglik, Y. Yildiz, T. Yetis and O. Cebesoy, “Primary muscularhydatidosis mimicking soft tissue tumour: a report of five cases” J. Orthop. Surg.(Hong Kong)., 16,368-72 (2008).
A16. Cebesoy, O. And M. Subasi, “Does graft choice affect osteoarthritis development in the knee after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction?” Int. Orthop., 32,479 (2008).
A17. Kose, K.C., O. Cebesoy, V. Ergan, G. Maralcan, L. Altinel, A. Songur and I. Kuru,Talonavicular joint approach to the talar body: a cadaver study. Foot. Ankle. Int., 29,601-605 (2008).
A18. Subasi, M., H. Arslan, O. Cebesoy, O. Buyukbebeci and A. Kapukaya, “Outcome inunilateral or bilateral DDH treated with one-stage combined procedure” Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res., 466,830-836 (2008).
A19. Kose, K.C., E. Tezen, O. Cebesoy, E. Karadeniz, D. Guner, S. Adiyaman and M.Demirtas, “Mini-open versus all-arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: comparison of theoperative costs and the clinical outcomes” Adv. Ther., 25,249-59 (2008).
A20. Subasi, M. and O. Cebesoy, “Grafting may effect the outcome in diaphyseal fractures of the humerus” Int. Orthop., 32,139 (2008).
A21. Cebesoy, O., E.Tutar and O. Arpacioglu, “Spontaneous giant expanding thigh hematoma mimicking soft tissue neoplasm” Joint. Bone. Spine., 75,64-66 (2008)
A22. Cebesoy, O., E. Tutar, K.C. Kose, Y. Baltaci and C. Bagci “Effect of strontium ranelate on fracture healing in rat tibia” Joint. Bone. Spine., 74,590-593 (2007).
A23. Cebesoy, O., E. Tutar, M. Isik and O. Arpacioglu, “A case of isolated giant plexiform neurofibroma involving all branches of the common peroneal nerve” Arch. Orthop. Trauma. Surg., 127,709-712 (2007).
A24. Cebesoy, O., B. Guclu, K.C. Kose, K. Basarir, D. Guner and A.K. Us, “Coccygectomy for coccygodynia: do we really have to wait?” Injury., 38,1183-1188 (2007).
A25. Köse, K.C., S. Bilgin, O. Cebesoy, L. Altinel, B. Akan, D. Guner, B. Doganay, S. Adiyaman and M. Demirtas, “Clinical results versus subjective improvement with anterior transposition in cubital tunnel syndrome” Adv. Ther., 24,996-1005 (2007).
A26. Subasi, M., A Dirier, A. Kapukaya, A. Uludağ, B. Karadayi and O. Cebesoy, “Successful treatment of hemophilic hand pseudotumors by only radiotherapy” Ann. Plast. Surg., 59,338-340 (2007).
A27. Cebesoy, O., M. Karakok, O. Arpacioglu and E.T.Baltaci, “Brown tumor with atypical localization in a normocalcemic patient” Arch. Orthop. Trauma. Surg., 127,577-580 (2007).
A28. Cebesoy, O., “Intraosseous ganglion of the talus treated with the talonavicular joint approach without exposing the ankle joint” J. Am. Podiatr. Med. Assoc.,97,424-427 (2007).
A29. Cebesoy, O., M. Subasi and O. Arpacioglu “Finsen V, Hofstad M, Haugan H. A rare complication in scaphoid pseudoarthrosis: intraarticlar migration and breaking of Kirschner wire [Injury 2006;37(9):854-9]” Injury., 38,988-989 (2007). A30. Subasi, M., A. Kapukaya, H. Arslan, E. Ozkul and O. Cebesoy, “Outcome of opencomminuted tibial plateau fractures treated using an external fixator” J. Orthop. Sci., 12,347-353 (2007).
A31. Cebesoy, O., K.C. Kose and T. Yazar, “The healing potential in cauda equina syndrome secondary to traumatic posterior L5-S1 dislocation. A case report with 16 years follow-up” Acta. Orthop. Belg., 73,408-412 (2007).
A32. Cebesoy, O., K.C. Kose, E.T. Baltaci and M. Isik, “Percutaneous release of the trigger thumb: is it safe, cheap and effective?” Int Orthop. 31;345-349 (2007)
A33. Cebesoy, O., “Treatment of patellar instability” Knee. Surg. Sports. Traumatol. Arthrosc., 15,825 (2007).
A34. Cebesoy, O., Kose KC, Kuru I, Altinel L, Gul R, Demirtas M. Use of a splint following open carpal tunnel release: a comparative study. Adv Ther., 24,478-484 (2007).
A35. Cebesoy, O., “How much initial graft tension is sufficient for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction?” Arch. Orthop. Trauma. Surg., 127,307-8 (2007)
A36. Cebesoy O. and G. Karakurum, “Talar fractures and avascular necrosis. Are weunderestimating the risk?” Int. Orthop., 31,269 (2007).
A37. Cebesoy O., “Distal tibial fractures and minimal invasive techniques” Injury., 38,255 (2007).
A38. Kose, K.C., O. Cebesoy and L. Altinel, “HO prevention and the combined therapeutic protocol–do we really need it?” Int. Orthop., 31,133-134 (2007).
A39. Cebesoy O., “Percutaneous fixation in fractures of the distal third of the clavicle: simpler, cheaper, beter” Int. Orthop., 31,129 (2007).
A40. Cebesoy, O. and K. Kose “Is the diagnosis as simple as the treatment? Diagnostic pitfalls in chronic exertional compartment syndrome?” Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 15,109 (2007).
A41. Cebesoy, O. and K.C. Kose, “ Cavus Foot Deformity and Concomitant Talocalcaneal Coalition in a Adult patient: A case Report with Literature Review,” Case. Rep. Clin. Pract. Rev., 8, 229-232 (2007).
A42. Cebesoy, O., “ A catastrophic Complication During Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty: Acute Rupture of Patellar Tendon. A case Report with Literature Review,” Case. Rep. Clin. Pract. Rev., 8, 250-254 (2007).
A43. Cebesoy, O., B. Erdemli, K.C. Köse, B. Güzel ve İ. Cetin, “[Midterm results of totalhip replacement in osteonecrosis of the hip joint]” Acta Orthop. Traumatol. Turc., 40,301-306 (2006).
A44. Cebesoy, O., “Treatment of femur fractures in the elderly. Are weunderestimating the length of stay in hospital?” Saudi. Med. J., 27,1936 (2006)
A45. Cebesoy, O., K.C. Kose, E.T. Baltaci and M.Isik “Mini-incision total hip replacement: a dragon’s nest or a child’s play?” Arch. Orthop. Trauma. Surg., 126,568-570 (2006).
A46. Cebesoy, O., “What are the risk factors in the development of osteoarthritis following ACL reconstruction?” Int. Orthop., 30,431 (2006).
A47. Cebesoy, O., and E.T.Baltaci, “Acute gangrene that developed in the fingers of the hand with arteriovenous fistule in a chronic hemodialysis patient” J. Natl. Med. Assoc., 98,1707-1709 (2006).
A48. Cebesoy, O. and L. Altinel “Rare case of intraosseous lipoma with proximal femoral localization causing cortical expansion” J. Natl. Med. Assoc., 98,1702-1704 (2006).
A49. Kose, K.C., O. Cebesoy , B. Akan, L. Altinel, D. Dinçer, T. Yazar, “Functional results of vertebral augmentation techniques in pathological vertebral fractures of myelomatous patients” J. Natl. Med. Assoc., 98,1654-1658 (2006).
A50. Cebesoy O, G. Karakurum and O. Arpacioglu, “High tibial osteotomy and external fixator” Knee. Surg. Sports. Traumatol. Arthrosc., 14,1033-1034 (2006).
A51. Cebesoy, O., E.T. Baltaci and M. Isik “Importance of radial head on elbow kinematics radial head prosthesis” Arch. Orthop. Trauma. Surg., 126,501 (2006).
A52. Cebesoy, O,. “Percutaneous trigger finger treatment” Tech. Hand. Up. Extrem. Surg., 10,197 (2006).
A53. Cebesoy, O., K.C. Kose “Periprosthetic fractures of femur: LISS plate” Arch. Orthop. Trauma. Surg., 126,427-428 (2006).
A54. Cebesoy, O. and E.T. Baltaci “Salvage of the tibial malunion and nonunion with the use of angled blade plate: other treatment method” Arch. Orthop. Trauma. Surg., 126,425 (2006)
A55. Cebesoy, O., “Residual posterior femoral condyle osteophyte affects the flexion range after total knee replacement” Int. Orthop., 30,312 (2006).
A56. Cebesoy, O., “Posterior lumbar interbody fusion versus intertransverse fusion in the treatment of lumbar spondylolisthesis” J. Orthop. Surg. (Hong Kong). 14,226 (2006).
A57. Cebesoy, O., E..T.Baltaci and M. Isik “”Is the delay to surgery for isolated hip fracture predictive of outcome in efficient systems?” from the April 2006 issue of The Journal of Trauma” J. Trauma., 61, 475-476 (2006).
A58. Cebesoy, O, G. Karakurum, E.T. Baltaci and M. Isik “Authors compare two groups(elderly and young) and they base their functional results on the same treatment protocol” J. Trauma., 61,474(2006).
A59. Cebesoy, O,. “Comment: does fibular plating improve alignment…” J. Orthop.Trauma. 20,519 (2006).
A60. Cebesoy, O,. “Treatment of unstable peritrochanteric femoral fractures using a 95 degree angled blade plate” J. Orthop. Trauma., 20,440 (2006).
A61. Cebesoy, O., and Isık M “Is external fixation necessary for distal radius fracture without joint incongruity?” J. Orthop. Trauma., 20,374 (2006).
A62. Cebesoy, O., “Distal radial fracture treated with minimally invasive procedure” J. Orthop. Surg (Hong Kong). 14,109 (2006).
A63. Kose, K.C., L. Altinel, V. Ergan and O. Cebesoy Treatment of distal radius fractures: the title or the conclusion? Arch. Orthop. Trauma. Surg., 126,138-139 (2006).
A64. Kose, K.C., L. Altinel, O. Cebesoy and V. Ergan “Impregnation of cancellous bone to treat infected nonunions: promising technique with insufficient data” Arch. Orthop. Trauma. Surg., 126,141-142 (2006).
A65. Kose, K.C., O. Cebesoy, E. Karadeniz and S. Bilgin “ Eye problem following footsurgery–abducens palsy as a complication of spinal anesthesia” MedGenMed., 17,15 (2005).
A66. Yazar, T., O. Cebesoy, K. Basarir, E. Karadeniz “Recalcitrant scoliosis in Proteus syndrome” Acta. Orthop. Belg., 71,372-374 (2005).
A67. Bilgin, S.S., O. Cebesoy, I.H. Güleç ve A. Pişkin, “[Difficulties in the diagnosis of isolated radial artery injuries: a case report]” Acta Orthop. Traumatol. Turc., 39,270-273 (2005).
A68. Kose, K.C., O. Cebesoy and L. Ozcakar “Is screw augmentation necessary in ankle fractures? G. Andreassen et al. “The use of a synthetic bone void filler toaugment screws in osteopenic ankle fracture fixation.”” Arch. Orthop. Trauma Surg.,124,574 (2004).